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Dairy industry

The dairy industry

In the dairy business, we are promoting ways to improve the income of dairy farms by establishing YK Genetics Experimental Ranch and operating 10 cooperative ranches by utilizing the know-how of "embryo production," "breeding," and fostering. Currently, Holstein has produced Korean beef calves and even sold milk, meat, and calves to expand the sales scale of dairy farmers, thereby relieving the debt burden on dairy farmers.

Young Kak(YK) Genetics CEO: Sangheun Oh
123, Dongdae-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Company Registration Number: 381-81-02094
Contact Us: 82-54-701-1205 Fax : 82-54-701-1206
Copyright (c) Young Kak(YKG) All rights reserved. ADMIN